Dental Bridges

Do you have gaps in your teeth that make you feel self-conscious? Gaps in your smile are no laughing matter, as they can lead to the drifting of surrounding teeth. Dental bridges eliminate gaps and restore your teeth by literally bridging the space between missing teeth. The end result is a natural, beautiful smile.

A dental bridge typically consists of two or more specially fitted crowns that are placed on the anchoring teeth on each side of the gap formed by your missing teeth. Fixed bridges are strong and reliable, and in most cases, they feel and look very much like natural teeth!

The benefits of dental bridges

Dental bridges are an effective way to replace missing teeth. They offer both functional and aesthetic restoration. Dental bridges can:

  • Restore your smile
  • Maintain the shape of your face
  • Restore your ability to eat and speak properly
  • Improve your bite by replacing missing teeth
  • Prevent remaining teeth from shifting out of position
Dental Bridges Durban

First Appointment

During the first visit, the abutment teeth recontouring the teeth by removing a portion of enamel to allow enough room for a crown. Next, we make impressions of the teeth- these serve as a model for creating the crowns and bridges. In the meantime, we will create a temporary bridge for you to wear, so your exposed gums and teeth are protected.

Second Appointment

The second appointment will take place as soon as the final bridge arrives. The first step is to apply a local anaesthetic to ensure your safety and comfort. Next, we remove your temporary bridge. Lastly, we check and adjust the final restoration to achieve a proper fit.

Additional appointments

You may need to come in for multiple visits to check the fit of the framework and your bite. The number of required visits depend on each individual's case.

Book your appointment today! >

Call Us: 062 987 6453

There is a fee of R1000 for any emergency after hours